Today some changes to words repetition mechanism has been implemented.

Before all words were repeated by default and every repeated word had random attributes (color, font, angle).
This has been changed. Now you can choose whether to repeat a word or not. Also all repeated words inherit their attributes (color
, angle, font specified in Words table) from the parent word.

To illustrate the changes let's try to build a cloud of 100 words that contains:
1) "Tagul" word repeated only once with green colour and horizontal layout (0 rotation angle)
2) "Word" word repeated many times with grey colour and random layout
3) "Clouds" word repeated many times with blue colour and random layout

Before the changes you couldn't create such a cloud.
But now you can make the following setup in Words section to get the job done:

Simple enough, isn't it?

If you created a cloud before the changes

... and set specific attributes in Words section then you are going to see some difference when you again visualize your cloud. As it was said earlier the difference will occur because of all repeated words inherit attributes from the parent word now while before the attributes were set randomly. To mimic old behaviour you need to make the below changes in words section:

Let's say you have some word with "Bangers Regular" font specified in fonts table.

But you want all repeated words to be in "Briep Medium" font as it is set in Fonts section. Then you need to uncheck "Repeat?" value for that word and add another word with the same text and random attributes.

The latter word will be repeated with random attributes that mimics old behaviour.

Hope you gonna like the changes.
Have fun ;)

We have been constantly asked to add various fonts to Tagul.
In spite of adding some new fonts recently in many cases we had to drop the requests due to license restrictions.
In some cases we considered advised fonts not good enough for whole Tagul audience (while it still can be wanted by some users). And finally we simply couldn't expand the list infinitely making it bigger and bigger each time.

Now this problem is over because the feature of adding custom fonts is finally delivered today! It is available for all Tagul users (both free and premium).

To add a custom font scroll to the top of Fonts section and click on the corresponding text.
Then select the desired font (.otf and .ttf fonts are supported) and once it is loaded you can now select it and Visualize your cloud!

Have fun ;)

As many of you know Tagul clouds can be embedded in a web page and allow users to click on words (aka tags) to navigate through web pages. The recommended method of embedding requires a webmaster to embed Tagul javascript code into a web page. But unfortunately in some cases it is not possible. For example blogs at or google sites don't allow to embed html code that contains third party javascript code.

In the old days Tagul was built on flash platform and many old time users used the flash embedding code. Since the migration from Flash to HTML5 that method became obsolete. From now on we make it available again.

Here is the code you can paste into your web page:

<object width="[width]" height="[height]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="">
<param name="movie" value=""/>
<param name="flashvars" value="id=<strong>[cloud ID]</strong>"/>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/>
<param name="swfversion" value="10"/>
<param name="expressinstall" value=""/>
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
<p><a href="">
<img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />

Please don't forget to replace [width], [height] and [cloud ID] with your actual values (without brackets).

To obtain your cloud ID please make it public and then click on the last icon in Share row in Grab and Share section. In the popup window click on the first link. Your browser will open a web page with your cloud displayed. In location bar you should see something like this: "". Your cloud ID is contained between last pair of slashes ("2bvgczwckogx" in the given URL).

In addition to ordinary text characters you can use virtually any Unicode character in Tagul clouds. The only limitation is that it must be supported by the fonts presented in Tagul.

There are a lot of useful icons in Unicode.
Here are some of them (but not all) that are supported:

  • ©
  • ®

To use any of the above characters just select it, copy to clipboard and then paste into Words section of your cloud.

The complete list of Unicode characters can be found at Unicode Table website.
As it was said earlier not all of them are supported. To try a character just copy & paste it from Unicode website into Words section and then switch to Fonts section to find out if there are fonts capable of rendering it. Don't forget to select the fonts if found.

Have fun ;)