Dear Tagul users!
We are excited to inform that new fonts below are now available in Tagul word cloud creator.

MPH 2B Damase and Chrysanthi fonts support wide range of Unicode scripts.
Noto Sans S finally adds Chinese script to Tagul!

If you would like to suggest your favorite font to Tagul please email .

Enjoy new fonts!

Today along with SSL everywhere change there is another important change implemented in social login mechanism.

Tagul is used to rely on Loginza service for a long time. But unfortunately it always has some gliches and we permanently got complaints that it didn't work for someone. Moreover Loginza seems to be not developed anymore therefore we decided to replace it.

After some research we have chosen excellent HybridAuth library as a substitute. HybridAuth allows us to avoid relying on third party services and acts as an abstract api between Tagul application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

From Tagul users perspective we hope that now social login will be more reliable and stable. Currently only Google, Facebook and Twitter social networks are supported. They cover about 95% of all social logins at Tagul made so far.

If you previously used another service and want to access your account here is what you can do:

1) Try to get password for your account. Go to lost password page and input your email. Chances are your email is in our database and then you will be sent a password resetting link. Reset the password and use Email & Password credentials to access the site.

2) If the above didn't work for you please write to all the info you remember. E.g. what social/openid network did you used? How many clouds you had? Send some saved cloud images if you have. Etc. Then we will try to identify your account and give you access to it.

Today Tagul is switched to serve content through SSL. If you look at the URL bar, you’ll see https at the beginning of the URL. That extra s after “http” means you’re browsing over an encrypted and secure connection. Now 100% of Tagul web traffic is served over a secure, SSL connection.

What is SSL and why does it matter?
An SSL connection encrypts all the data that is passed between your browser and our web server. This prevents someone from intercepting those communications. SSL is like two people talking in a private room. Unencrypted connections of the http variety are like talking in a crowded bar, where anyone on the network can listen in. As the web matures, and attacks get more sophisticated, SSL is becoming more and more important.

We take security seriously at Tagul and we are excited to offer this extra layer of privacy and security to our customers and visitors.

Dear Tagul users!

Since launching Premium a week ago I received several complaints about pitfalls of Premium subscription.

The main concern was about restrictive license that among other things preserved the rights for clouds to and required attribution to the site. It was not acceptable for many businesses.

After considering the complaints I decided to change the Premium terms and pricing. New pricing is higher ($7.95 USD per month in case 12 months are prepaid) but now every Premium user is allowed to use Tagul clouds commercially without attribution to

Have a nice day!

Dear Tagul users!

Today Premium subscription is being introduced.
Premium subscription primarily targets users that use Tagul service in commercial purposes that way or another. But if you love Tagul and want to support its further development please feel free to purchase Premium subscription as well.

Premium subscription costs $9.95 per month and includes the features below:

* No ads on the site
* Export in Vector and High Resolution formats
* Commercial License for all created clouds
* API access

Therefore the above features are no longer available to free users.

Also changes to license terms have been made. Please read the new terms here.

Have a nice day!