Sorry, there has been no update for long time because I was quite busy. But the project is still alive and here is a good news for you. Following a popular demand the amount of clouds you can simultaneously create with Tagul is extended to 20.

Please read this for more information.

The short answer is: yes, while in beta.

You know, it costs money to develop the service and keep it running. I am not a big corporation and certainly cannot do it for charity. So eventually I am forced to monetize Tagul. I don't have the exact monetization strategy by now, but probably it will be some mix between embedded in clouds ads and a paid subscription. Also I have a strong intention to leave it free for non-profit use.

Therefore if you consider using Tagul clouds for your enterprise please be advised.

I am happy to say that now Tagul has more fonts to play with! I am sure you've already noticed new front page cloud built using new fonts. Enjoy it!
New fonts

Today I have finally completed the forums for Tagul. So now if you face with problems, want a new feature or just have something to say, you are welcome to use the forums

Tagul has been reviewed by Killerstartups recently. Despite the review being concise, the author precisely stated that Tagul clouds are eye-candy that make your site's visitors experience more joyful. That is exactly what Tagul clouds are intended for.

That review attracted significant attention to the service and by this moment Tagul have virtually a hundred users signed up. Probably it is a little more attention than I expected it to be at the early stage (the service has been up just for 1 week already), but anyway it is very pleasant to get such a positive feedback.

Stay tuned!