Over the past six months, you have likely been hearing a lot about the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) and steps companies are taking to prepare. If you haven’t heard, here’s a very short summary: the GDPR is a new data privacy law coming into force on May 25, 2018 that particularly affects companies with customers in the European Union.

Today, we are happy to share that WordArt.com service is GDPR ready. Recently we updated our privacy policy which has been specifically adjusted to reflect the new regulation. We have also upgraded our workflows to support the regulation.

WordArt.com has always taken privacy very seriously. At the core of our privacy policy, we believe that data which does not exist cannot be tracked, stolen, or compromised. We personally collect only the data necessary for business and security purposes by storing the minimum amount of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in our systems and cache.

If you have any questions or have a GDPR-related request email us at .

A new release with a bunch of handful enhancements has been just released:

* PDF export

PDF is widely supported format that also can handle vector graphics. It now replaces the old EPS format.

* Color emphasis option

The color emphasis option is located in the style section and allows to emphasize big words and shade small ones.

* New shapes

34 new shapes added for better customization

Enjoy the changes!

Today we are glad to introduce the release of the new word art creator. It has been built from scratch using modern web technologies and aimed to be more friendly and convenient to use.

The basic functionality kept intact with some enhancements:
- Undo / Redo now works for visualizations
- Explicit lock for a word position using the lock button in the edit mode
- New density parameter in the layout section that controls how dense words are placed during visualization
- Save as functionality instead of duplicate
- CSV format checkbox added to words import dialog to explicitly indicate the special CSV text format
- JPEG download option added

We encourage everybody to try it now and send your feedback to the support email. We are planning to completely switch to the new version till the end of this year.

Stay tuned!

Today we announce the rebranding from Tagul to WordArt.com.

Why rebrand?
Some history: Back in 2009, Tagul was born. Our initial goal was to provide a service of creating tag clouds for web sites. That was the reason behind "Tagul" name choosing. It was short, it contained the "tag" keyword and the tagul.com domain was available for free. With the course of time the service evolved into word cloud art generator mostly for designers. It still may be used in web sites, but nowadays it is widely used for creating beautiful word art designs. Tagul brand no longer reflects what the service is about. Therefore we have to change, so now we rebrand as WordArt.com.

How does it affect existing users?
Basically nothing is changed except the branding. All your accounts and word art are in place and can be accessed using same login credentials. And we are still committed to provide the best word art generator service for you. You can only notice some wording changes like now we more tend to call it "word art creator", rather than "word cloud generator".

In the conclusion, we hope you like the new name and logo. Please let us know what you think in the comments below.

Best regards,
WordArt.com team