All posts created by MACY1969

8 years ago
Hi Alex, I think I may know what has caused it. Think it is because there is a space after the word in my list, so when I edit the colour the word shifts, makes sense to me, hard to explain smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I have sent info to support email, thank you smile
8 years ago
Hi, Alex, I have noticed that when I have edited a word (re positioned) and then changed the colour the smaller words around it are overlapping, this only seems to happen when I edit the colour of the edited word and not when I edit the position. I can provide an example cloud if needed smile
8 years ago
Your a star, thank you smile
8 years ago
Hi, Alex, I have just purchased the basic plan, Thank you smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I purchased the wrong plan, I wanted unlimitted! Any chance I can pay the extra and change it, please ?smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, wondering if it is maybe possible to have a measuring tool, like a ruler or guide lines to help line and centre words/icons in a cloud, similar to photoshop ? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, yes I see it! Thank you, it has happened before and I manage a workaround but now I understand why that is great, thanks so much for your time smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I have sent it across, many thanks smile
8 years ago
Hi again, this is not happening on all images. I have one particular one that when editing had a heart placed out of the shape, I have since moved this to its correct position and visualised and all look good int eh cloud. It is this design (when looked at in a word doc) which has white either side as part of the image. Hope this makes sense Alex, I can send the cloud to support if it helps? smile