Getting a line down the right hand side when printing A4

8 years ago
Hi Alex

I keep getting a thin blk line down the right hand side of the page when printing A4? Please help.
Many Thanks Verity303
8 years ago
Could you please make a picture of that printing using your smartphone and send it to support email so I could see what is wrong there?
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I download my images before printing and they are not centering correctly. Think this may be caused by the same issue above, thanks in advance smile
8 years ago
Hi again, this is not happening on all images. I have one particular one that when editing had a heart placed out of the shape, I have since moved this to its correct position and visualised and all look good int eh cloud. It is this design (when looked at in a word doc) which has white either side as part of the image. Hope this makes sense Alex, I can send the cloud to support if it helps? smile
8 years ago
Hi MACY1969, the Verity303 problem was solved by making the background transparent thus I suppose it is different from the problem you have. Could you please send me the image with incorrect centering to support email and advise which cloud you downloaded so I could check what is wrong there?
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I have sent it across, many thanks smile
8 years ago
MACY1969, the thing is that there is a word outside the shape that is white and not visible on the white background. Switch the background to black to see it. Just move it somewhere on the shape and visualize the cloud. Alternatively you can reset modified words and visualize the cloud.
8 years ago
Hi Alex, yes I see it! Thank you, it has happened before and I manage a workaround but now I understand why that is great, thanks so much for your time smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex getting the black line again down right hand side when printing…. printed 3 out so far and wasting alot of ink. so frustrating is it a bug?? Its on Hannah Stolton Heart could you have a look please.
8 years ago
Just to let you know its not my printer as I have 2 and have tried on both so must be on the cloud.



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