All posts created by MACY1969

9 years ago
Hi Alex, I am in the same situation, selling personalized prints for not a lot of profit. Your new pricing system would put me and others out of business. I love your software and have been a loyal customer for over a year. I do not understand who the new pricing is aimed at but it is definitely not people like me. Perhaps it is aimed at the bigger companies that may purchase a couple of images and make thousands of pounds profit. In reality, we are using your software and cloud space to create our own designs from scratch and are being charged for this and then charged again to make any changes to our own creations. I notice you have asked moggers12 to make you an offer for a yearly unlimited license. Perhaps you could offer this price to the rest of us as this is something I think a lot of your loyal customers would be interested in too. I am more than happy to pay more for an unlimited license, Macy
9 years ago

Hi Alex, I am receiving 'error saving cloud' every time I try to save, is there a problem at the moment?

9 years ago

Hi Alex, just wondering if any updates are going on at the mo as very slow to upload and visualise images. Tried several browsers and pc and laptop. Thanks in advance.

9 years ago

Thank you Alex, Macy :)

9 years ago

Hi Alex, I always export raster png for printing, sometimes I need to convert these images to jpeg. I have never had a problem with quality.
For my next project though I need to have the image blown up quite large and I am a little unsure how to get the best quality.
I have done some research and I am thinking to export a vector image and convert it to pdf format. Unsure if I should use eps or sgv though. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I basically just need the best way to have an image blown up without losing any quality, many thanks four you time, Macy

9 years ago

Hi Alex, it is : You are using Firefox 38.0 on Windows 8.1
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

9 years ago

Hi Alex, no, it lets me select the word and move it which is great but when I try to select a colour it doesn't work. I have to go back into normal mode to change any colours.

9 years ago

Hi, also I wanted to check when I am editing in expansion mode (which is fantastic btw the colour is not enabled so I am not able to edit any colours. I can only do this when editing whilst not in expansion. Are you aware of this?

9 years ago

Hi Alex, thanks for that. I did find it in the end. I did notice that is isn't possible to do this with custom images though. Is it just a case of resizing when printing for these? Thank you. It is the 8 x 10 I am interested in.

9 years ago

Hi, I have noticed others talking about this. Please can you tell me where in tagul is the aspect ration button to resize images, thanks