All posts created by MACY1969

8 years ago
Hi Alex, I see, can I just ask what the original 'issue with inconsistent placement of selected words' was as I wasn't aware of a problem smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I notice the 'clear' in edit mode has now gone and there is a new functionality 'reset' and undo/redo icons. I created a cloud earlier today, saved it but I wasn't 100% happy with it so left it till tonight. I have opened the cloud tonight to make some changes to it and before doing anything I have visualised it. This is causing the cloud to completely mishape and the reset function does not return the cloud to how I originally saved it. Am I missing something, doing something wrong? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, that's a shame, thank you for trying it though. Maybe something for the future smile
8 years ago
Morning, I think is is just a bit sensitive Alex. I am managing by always making sure that the 'four' arrows are visible before I re position a word. It does gets easier with practice, bit like the first time you ever use a mousesmile
8 years ago
You are a star Alex, just tried it, it's perfect smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I am wondering is it possible to resize individual words in different directions. Example, when I edit a word, I can only stretch it out to make it bigger. I would like to be able to just make a word taller rather then longer, similar to what I could achieve in word. Hope this makes sense to you. Do you think this would be possible? Macy
8 years ago
Hi, I totally agree with DavRoz and DANSTE05. Not only are people selling low quality images at very low prices, they are also doing this without a commercial license to do so and pricing the more professional of us out of the market.
8 years ago
THANK YOU Alex, I am hoping all the guys agree that just a little over £1.00 a day to keep our business running using the very BEST software and keeping our own customers happy is more than fair. All the best for New Year Alex and team and all my fellow tagul
8 years ago
Hi Alex, will you be publishing the new prices toady? Macy
8 years ago
It is great you are listening to us all Alex and it is appreciated. I think we all agree, an increase is more than acceptable but I think your first offer is very steep. Agree that between 10% and 20% increase is more acceptable. There has to be a fairer price on unlimited as this is what most of us need. You know you have the best software available and I believe we all want to stay with you but we don't want to feel exploited.