All posts created by MACY1969

7 years ago
Hi Alex, I have a cloud that I am wanting to print on to a grey background. I know this can be achieved in tagul by setting the background colour and words to white. However the size of the background is not the size I need, I need to print it A4 and the original shape is a square shape (one of yours). So in order to get around this I have created an A4 doc with a grey background and set the shape transparency to zero and imported the image. The background image is not clear though, it looks like I can still see the original square shape of the cloud even though I have it set to transparent. Any advise ? Thanks in advance smile Hope I have explained this
7 years ago
I am having this problem too
7 years ago
Hi Alex, thank you. I am not working on them at the mo and want to try a few more things but will be in touch if I still have problemssmile
7 years ago
Hi Alex, thank you for your reply. Am wondering why the images that you provide for free are perfect though and mine are not. Has something changed re: importing custom shapes as I am having problems with images that I have not created being too big?
7 years ago
Hi Alex, I am having a similar problem. I have created a simple clip art in photoshop but when I import the image it is too big and the edges are fuzzy not neat as are your images that you provide us. Usually this does not matter as I opt for transparent but I want to use the new feature of the shape behind the words and need the edges to be perfect. Any advice?
8 years ago
Hi Alex, all seems fine now, thank you. I can position text where I want it. The distorted image when editing large seems fine too now. If it happens on another cloud I will let you know but all good with this one smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, it is test2230816. This is another custom image, one I no longer have the original of. When I edit it takes on a different shape and I am also trying to move the text at the bottom and having difficulty I am thinking because it is not in the image shape? Can't we go back to the way it was? Is this new feature a popular request? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, this new feature is causing me further problems. When I am using edit mode in normal or large the image is scrambled and I can not work with it properly. I get what you are saying about reloading custom images but some I have been using for a long time and no longer have the original. Is there to be a further update or is this just how it is now? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I see what you mean, I am guessing I will need to do this with all my custom images. I have printed it and it doesn't effect the physical size, just makes working with a small image difficult. Do you let us know when there are going to be new releases and the impact that they may have. I am asking as this may be something you do already and I have missed it or if not, is it something you can do in the future? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, the cloud is Testcloud23Aug if you alter a word and visualize, it appears too small for me to work with smile