All posts created by Alex

10 years ago

To create a cloud with tree shape do the following:
1) Download and save tree.png shape image on your computer
2) In Appearence tab click custom
3) Click on the box to choose image and select tree.png
4) Click OK and then click Visualise
That's it!

10 years ago

Hi Michael. I've looked your link and it seems that embedding code is changed somehow. Flash icon should be inside the second object tag and then it will be displayed only in case no flash/svg support exists in a browser. In your case it is placed outside the first object tag so it is displayed always.

Regarding validation error. It looks like the Tags List section is empty while you are trying to visualize your cloud. Probably tags were not saved due to a bug I've fixed recently. So could you please switch to "Get tags from URL" or "Get tags from text" tab depending on what you used as your tags source. Then click visualize button and your tags list will be automatically populated. Don't forget to save your cloud to save your tags list.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago

"Tag relative size" allows you to control the difference between the biggest and the smallest tag in your cloud. For example if it is 1 then all tags should* have equal size in a cloud. If it is 100 then the biggest tag will be 100 times bigger than the smallest one.

* I wrote "should have" because your observations are correct. Tagul algorithm tries its best to keep tags size according to its weights but in order to fit shape better it can make some small tags smaller than they should be.

It doesn't make any difference if you have about >50 tags in your cloud. But if you have less tags than that it could distort the overal picture.

10 years ago

Fixed. BTW the XML format is being deprecated in flavour of more convenient CSV. Please read this FAQ question for more details.

10 years ago

Hi, I've check angles functionality and it seems to work fine.
Could you please check whether you specified "Tags rotation angles" in "Appearence" section or not? If yes could you please send me (click contact support at the bottom of this page) a screeshot of what you see when you specify rotation angles and click Visualize?

10 years ago

Hi Gengjani. I can't add the font you suggested because it doesn't have free license that allows to embed it into Tagul application.

10 years ago

Multiselect for tags implemented. "Tags Amount" scroll bar step will be switched to 1 next time.

EDIT: "Tags Amount" scroll bar step is implemented as well.

10 years ago

Linda what kind of problem you are looking the solution for? The thread about saving your cloud as SVG/PNG and should work fine now as I fixed the bug that caused the wrong behaviour.