All posts created by Alex

9 years ago

Carrie, in the cloud you save only 652 words are displayed. But if you visualize the cloud again then 999 words will be displayed. I suggest you to switch the "Words amount" check box to "Keep as is (don't repeat)" position and re-visualize the cloud. Then it should contain all the words and nothing more.

9 years ago

Hi Carrie, the fact is that you can't verify it (except manually counting the words that I think impossible to do) and most likely not all words are there because Tagul truncates the smallest words as there is no sense in putting them into the cloud.

I suggest you to move "Define" slider for "Words amount" parameter to the most right position (999 value) and visualize and save your cloud. Then advise its name so I could check whether all the words are placed or not.

9 years ago

Hi Gianna, you can find a lot of images on Google.

9 years ago

Hi Karlee,

Why don't you just create 2 separate taguls and make a collage in an image editor (like GIMP or Photoshop)?

9 years ago

Hello, there should be no problem. Could you please try Chrome or Firefox browser?

9 years ago

Could you please advise what exactly happened when you tried to share with Facebook? Did you see any error?

9 years ago

Hello Jodie,

It could be because of browsers glitches.
Chrome and Firefox are the recommended ones that should work fine on every device. Internet Explorer and Safari are known to have troubles with Tagul.

I would appreciate if you send to support email your skype id so we could chat and solve the issue for a browser that doesn't work.

9 years ago

Here are some I found by googling "snowman icon":

9 years ago

Hello Amy, just select all fonts in Fonts section (click on the first font and then shift + click on the last font) and you'll get what you want.

9 years ago

Hello Catherine,

Could you please send to support email the text you see at

In the meantime could you please try another browser like Chrome or Firefox?

P.S. Next time please start a new thread