All posts created by Alex

9 years ago

Hello Gloria,

There was a defect that allowed you to post a private cloud to Facebook which caused N/A issue. It is fixed and now you have to make your cloud public before posting to it to any social network.

9 years ago

You see N/A because the cloud is private. You need to make it public first.

9 years ago

Could you please try to export it in Google Chrome browser?

9 years ago

Please try this image:

9 years ago

Hello Gloria,

Could you please advise the cloud name you posted so I could check what is wrong?

9 years ago

Hello Katie,

Thank you for your feedback. I will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.

9 years ago

ricochet64, it should work. Could you advise what exactly is not working and what text you see at

9 years ago

Yes you can. To save your cloud to your PC go to Grab and Share section and click on PNG icon. The image file should be then saved to your Downloads folder.

9 years ago

Hello pumpkinora. Could you please send to support:
1) The text you see at
2) The "shut off" 32mp file

I'll look into the problem.

9 years ago

Fraancescaa, what do you mean by saying "a background like tag 268"?