All posts created by Alex

9 years ago

Hello Gayla,

You probably used another account when paid to premium.
Could you please forward the receipt email to support email so I could see what is wrong there?

9 years ago

Hello Daniel,

Premium will give you the ability to download 32MP PNG and EPS / SVG vector versions of your cloud. Vector versions can produce images of very large size if you need.

9 years ago

Hello Renee, if you gonna use an iron on transfer for personal non-commercial purpose then you can download your word cloud as PNG image in Grab and Share section and print it without paying anything.

Please not that you need to put the attribution to (something like "Created with") near the word cloud image printed.

Otherwise you need to purchase Premium for at least for 1 month (in which your cloud is created).

9 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.

9 years ago

Hello Sarah,

First of all you can't make the words the same size in Tagul.
Please read this FAQ entry regarding this.

The best you can do is the following:
1) Put 100 in size column for the prominent word and 1 for other words
2) In Layout section enable "use size column from words table" checkbox for "Words amount" parameter
3) Visualize your cloud

9 years ago

I am not aware of any problems. Could you please send the screenshot of the error to suppport email?

9 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.

9 years ago

I suggest you to try another way to pay via PayPal:
- On premium page choose Debit/Credit card option
- fill necessary information
- on the last screen (where you should enter bank card details) switch to PayPal tab and pay via PayPal.

9 years ago

I guess it is already there (in both free and premium). When you add your image as word cloud custom shape you can enable "negative" checkbox to force words to wrap around your image.

9 years ago

Put each phrase on a separate line ended with ";" and then import that text. For example:

Phrase 1;
Phrase 2;
Phrase 3;