All posts created by Alex

7 years ago
You can't add arbitrary clip art images. But you can add emojis or other icons contained in fonts. Please follow the links for details.
Edited 04 Apr, 2017 13:42
7 years ago
You can't do it directly in the creator but you can download your word art image in PNG format and add a border in any image editor.
7 years ago
The easiest way is to input a date directly in the Words section.
7 years ago
Most likely you made the first word smaller and the sizes of the rest words are determined based on the first one. I suggest you to click reset button and visualize. Then the words sizes should be restored. Then carefully resize them making sure you don't make smaller the first word.
7 years ago
Fixed positioning is not currently supported.
7 years ago
The problem is that your word cloud is placed inside "position:fixed" element. Please change it to position:relative or position:absolute.
7 years ago
Thank you for your feedback. I will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.
7 years ago
What do you mean by saying "insert a photograph"? You can add a photograph to your shapes list and create a word cloud in the form of the photograph. Is that what you want?
7 years ago
Hi Heidi,
Could you please advise what HQ format you downloaded and send me the image to the support email, so I could check what is wrong there?
7 years ago
You are doing everything right. 16MP PNG means a PNG file with 16 million of pixels and it has no relation to the file size on your disk. The file you downloaded contains 16 million of pixels (MP) as stated.