All posts created by Alex

7 years ago
If you make changes and then download it, then it is considered as new download. I recommend you to download in SQ quality to show someone as SQ downloads are not counted.
7 years ago
Yes it is possible. Switch to the "Edit mode" and move the words the way you want. Then re-visualize your word art to remove the words collisions.
7 years ago
Most likely it is because the flower image you used as your word art shape contains the outline only and is not filled with a non-white color. Please fill it with a non-white color or use another flower image. If you think that the problem is different then please send advise the word art name, so I could check it.
7 years ago
The only way to form a poem is to enter separate words into the words section, and then manually place them in the "Edit Mode". Don't put attention to words collisions as they will be eliminated after re-visualizing.
7 years ago
The best way is to open an image editor and create a 11x14 black rectangle with 4x7 white rectangle inside it. Then save the image and upload it to your word art by clicking on the first tile in the shapes section. Then visualize your word art.
7 years ago
Yes there is a way.

1) obtain an image without transparent areas
2) upload it to your word art by clicking on the first tile in the shapes section
3) in the image settings move the "threshold" slider to the most right position (1 value) and click OK
4) visualize your word art
7 years ago
Could you please advise what text you see at
7 years ago
First of all I need to understand what exactly format are you talking about. You can download in 4MP, 16MP and 32MP PNG raster formats and SVG / EPS vector formats. The vector formats can be printed with any DPI / PPI you want as they can be scaled infinitely.

Regarding the raster formats, to calculate DPI / PPI please advise which raster format and and what paper (for DPI) and screen (for PPI) size you are talking about.
7 years ago
You meant you wanted the words placed in your word art to be outlined and not filled, didn't you? Then you can't do it directly in You need to download your word art in EPS or SVG vector format, open it in Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator and convert the words to outlines.
7 years ago
Pixel sized depends on the file format you download in the "Download and Share" section. For SQ PNG format it is approximately about 700x700 px.