All posts created by Alex

10 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. That idea comes to my mind as well and I do think it will be very cool feature. But at the moment I am busy with more important things to do and when it is finished I'll revert back to thinking about implementing that idea.

10 years ago

Ok. Now I understand the problem. You are right that duplicated words don't preserve colors of original words. I'll fix it in the next release. For the time being I suggest you do a little excel work:
- make your words list in excel
- duplicate it manually with proper color
- paste from excel into text field (please read this faq entry on how to do it right)
- disable words duplication by clicking "keep as is" for "Tags amount" in Appearance section.

10 years ago

Basically you are right :) White on white will do the work.
But I suggest you doing the following:

- Choose white on black background and create your cloud
- Before printing it make black background completely transparent

10 years ago

I am planning to add more fonts with new release so could you please send me the fonts you need to support email?

10 years ago

I suggest you trying the method described in FAQ.

10 years ago

At the moment I am working on complete rewrite of Tagul cloud generator and I'll consider adding those fonts when it is finished.

10 years ago

You need to change colors in "Colors and Animations" section (not in Table) in order to avoid visualizing cloud.

10 years ago

In order to set all the words to the assigned colors you need to set those colors in Colors and Animations section.

10 years ago

1) To slant a font you need to select any italic font from the list
2) In "Tags source" -> Table section there is second column named weight. The bigger word's weight is the bigger it will be shown in a cloud.

10 years ago

@gemrick you agree with the terms by signing up to Tagul (there is a checkbox for this purposes that you have to check in order to sign up)

Once you signed up you can create a cloud by clicking "Create new cloud" link you "My clouds" page.