All posts created by Alex

10 years ago

Please send me the link to your page where you have the cloud embedded.

10 years ago

I am not aware it is possible. At lease I am sure it is not possible in MS PowerPoint

10 years ago

I think you should do the following:

1) Choose rectangle shape
2) Set aspect ratio to 0.71 (which is 5/7)
3) Visualize your cloud and save it as PNG setting width/height to 2880 (maximum quality)
4) Print the saved file on 5x7 frame as like any other image

10 years ago

Pleaes try another browser like Firefox or Chrome

10 years ago

It seems like a bug. I suggest altering your cloud a little (changing angles, add/remove some words) and try again.

10 years ago

Will be in the next release. Coming soon!

10 years ago

At the moment there is no solution to work with Chinese. But I am working on a big update that will allow it. I would appreciate if you suggest some free Chinese fonts.

10 years ago

Looks great! Thank you for sharing!

10 years ago

If you visit this link do you see red rectangle?

10 years ago

Each word in the cloud link to corresponding subjects that appear on various pages of the Wix web site I am building. Is this possible, yes or no?
It is possible. Just go to "Tags source" -> "Table" section and input the desired urls to the corresponding fields. Please don't forget to Visualize your cloud afterward.