All posts created by Alex

10 years ago

Try to uncheck"Custom shape colors" in "Colors and Animations" section.

@Phoebe Nix
In "Tags source" HTML or Text tab (which ever you used for getting your words) paste "$tag" into Tags links pattern field and then click Visualize

10 years ago

At the moment you cannot do it. But you will be able to do it in the next release coming in April.

10 years ago

I recommend not using embedding for the time being. I am working on new release that will deprecate flash version in favor of HTML5. It is going to be released in April.

10 years ago

Use any image editing software to create a picture containing "sister" word. Then use that image as your cloud custom shape.

10 years ago

Unfortunately it is known issue for some environments. The best you can do is to save your cloud (to Tagul site) and try another browser like Chrome or Firefox.

10 years ago

To disable repetition check "keep as is" for "Tags amount" in "Appearance" section

10 years ago

Since you are using mobile internet I guess it may take a while to load 5MB generator form.

Another suggestion is trying another browser like Firefox or Chrome.

10 years ago

Please try using inkscape and then export into EPS that can be opened by Illustrator. Please read this faq entry on how to do it.

10 years ago

You don't need to format as csv and Tagul will recognize the most recurrent tags/words. But if you don't like the way Tagul does it or would like to have more grained control over your words you may use csv format.

If you import an essay or just a piece of writing Tagul will calculate cloud without issues.

The current limit is 65535 characters.

10 years ago

@Jim.mueller, I've looked into your cloud and admit that words Discipline & Overcome are smaller than Fierce. I've done some amendments to the algorithm to handle weights better but it will be available only in next release that is planned in April.