All posts created by Alex

8 years ago
You can't do it in Tagul. The only option I see is to export your word cloud in SVG / EPS format, then open it in Inkscape and add your words.
8 years ago
Hi Macy, I've just added that functionality. Now you can make a word taller or wider by using the control points placed on the middle of the word bounding box edges.
8 years ago
In Edit Mode you can move or resize only 50 biggest words. It is done for the performance sake as otherwise the Edit Mode would be too slow.

Why would you need to move the small words?
When you moved big words you can visualize your cloud and small words will be moved automatically.
8 years ago

I could no longer add words
Could you please elaborate where exactly you couldn't add words.
Was it Words section or you couldn't add words in Layout section (e.g. couldn't make more duplicates)?

8 years ago
Hi Teresa,

Basically words are placed on non-white space of your word cloud's shape image.
Thus to place the words outside your shape you either need to make such an image where the outer space is filled with colours and the inner space is not. Or you can try enabling the "negative" checkbox when you import your image in Shapes section.
8 years ago
Hi Ncolwell! It was caused by the empty word on the last line in the words list. But anyway the issue is fixed now so your cloud should be visualized without any problems.
8 years ago
It seems like your browser is set up to automatically open a viewer software when you try to download an image in the internet. I suggest you to try to save the image from the viewer software or try another browser like Chrome or Firefox.
8 years ago, the Download and Share section is located at the bottom of the left pane of your word cloud generator window (i.e. where you customize and visualize your word cloud).
8 years ago
@Jules022, Please read this FAQ question. In your case aspect ratio is 8 / 11 = 0.72
8 years ago
I am not aware about any compatibility problems with Photoshop Elements. Tagul produces PNG images according to the standards so it is up to Photoshop Elements to handle it correctly. I guess the issues arises when PNG image is resized in Photoshop Elements.