All posts created by Alex

8 years ago
There is the "shape transparency" slider in the "Colors and Animations" section that controls the intensity of the shape background image. Move the slider to the most left position (zero value) to remove the background shape image completely.
8 years ago
Hi Sandy, please contact support and advise which package you purchased and which one you would like to upgrade to.
8 years ago
Could you please send the downloaded image to the support email, so I could check it?
8 years ago
Hi, could you please send the screenshot to the support email to allow me to understand your problem better?
8 years ago
Hi Barbara, the page has complex layout therefore I recommend you not to use percentage width / height.
Try changing
style="width: 100%; height: 100%"
style="width: 400px; height: 400px"
in the embedding code.
8 years ago
Hi Becky, here is how to do it:

1) select the square shape in the "Geometric" category in the Shapes section
2) click on the green gear button at the bottom right corner of the square shape
3) set aspect ratio to 0.66 (=2/3) and click OK
4) visualize your word cloud

That's it
8 years ago
Please read this FAQ entry regarding your question.
8 years ago
Hi, could you please try to visualize your word cloud in another browser? It seems like you use Internet Explorer and there could be some glitches related to the browser.
8 years ago
Yes you can. You need to purchase one of Tagul pricing plans and download your image in high quality (HQ) format.
8 years ago
To allow me to help you could you please:
1) Elaborate what happens when you try to create a word cloud
2) Send the text you see at