All posts created by Alex

5 years ago
Hi! Unfortunately you cannot create a word art from PDF file. I suggest you to copy and paste the content of your PDF file to the import text area (click on the import button in the words section to make it appear).
5 years ago
You are welcome!
5 years ago
Then I recommend you to find anyone near who is tech-savvy to help you. Unfortunately it is beyond the realm of our support to provide instructions on how to use your printing software.
5 years ago
Hi, did you tried to download your word art image in PNG or JPEG format and then print it as any other image or picture? Your printing software should allow you to position and size an image on a paper before printing.
5 years ago
Hi, could you please save your word art and advise its name so I could check what is wrong there?
5 years ago
Hi, could you please send a screenshot to the support so I could check?
Edited 15 Nov, 2019 06:44
5 years ago
Your feedback forced me to dig deeper into the problem and here are the results. A new word cloud creator version has been just released that has the new HTML (animated) download option. It will allow you to download your word art image in HTML format that can be opened in any browser and the animation will work there.

Regarding the PowerPoint presentation, the best you can do is to add a picture of your word art to your presentation and then link it to the HTML version of your word art. Then during your presentation you will be able to click on the picture to make the interactive version of your word art appear. Use ALT-TAB to switch back to your presentation.

Please take into account that you won't be charged for downloading a same image again even in different formats.
5 years ago
Hi! Thank you for your opinion.

The animation is not the only selling point. I wish the animation worked in the downloadable formats but unfortunately it is not technically feasible. The animation works only in browsers and you can embed your animated word art on your web page without paying anything. Or you can share your word artwork's link from the Share menu that will point to the animated version.
5 years ago
Hi! The only way to do that is to lock words in the edit mode. Locked words will keep their position and size after visualization. Please take into account that you will be able to select and lock only 100 biggest words in the edit mode.
5 years ago
Then I suggest you to find a motorhome image in the Internet and add it to the Shapes section by clicking on the "add image" button.