All posts created by Alex

9 years ago

There is no scramble option. Words are placed from biggest to lowest depending on 'size' column value.

If size value is identical then the words are placed in the order they are visible in 'Words' section.

To shuffle words placement you need to shuffle 'size' column values.

9 years ago

Understood, could you please advise the words you input?
I've tried to input some words and they weren't mixed up after saving and reloading.

9 years ago

How do you input words? Directly in Words section or importing from a text?

Could you please provide the words you input (or import) that are mixed up after refresh so I could check it?

9 years ago

It looks like there is something wrong with colour representation either on your screen or in your printer.

I suppose you should calibrate colours on one of those.

9 years ago

This is because your cloud was created before the change was done.
To make the feature work you need to visualize your cloud at least once.

9 years ago

This cloud is done using special characters (icons). Please read more about it here.

9 years ago

Genna, basically you cannot add an image into your clouds. But depending on what you need under that you can:

1) Import an image and use it as your cloud shape. To do that click on the first tile in Shapes section and choose your image.

2) Export your cloud as PNG format and add/overlay any image you want using any image editing software like Photoshop.

9 years ago

Please find the info regarding premium subscription on this page.

9 years ago

All components are in HTML5 now. It was based on flash in past. This thread is obsolete.

9 years ago

Then use the below text when pasting