All posts created by Alex

8 years ago
Is this because of the following FAQ (How to make all words the same size.) and the fact the Tagul is creating approximate, rather than accurate, sizes?
Yes it is exactly because of this

If so, it doesn't sound as if I can produce a cloud where the word sizes accurately reflect their size. Is this correct?
Unfortunately in many cases you can't produce a word cloud where the word sizes accurately reflect their size because Tagul algorithm tries to fill the selected shape at the first place in the meantime sacrificing the accuracy of words sizes.
8 years ago
Please read this FAQ entry regarding your question.
8 years ago
Hi! When you download SVG version of your word cloud it doesn't have the animation already. Could you please send to support email a screenshot of the boxes and the software entitle you use? We'll try to figure something out.
8 years ago
If you don't change your word cloud art then it counts as 1 download only.
8 years ago
I suggest you to search for "bride and groom clipart" images in Google
8 years ago
Yes it is 19th to 19th (if you purchase on that date) rather than month of july month of august.
8 years ago
Hi! If you order the poster ffrom Tagul Zazzle store it will use HQ image and you don't need to pay for it additionally.
8 years ago
The month runs from the day of the purchase
8 years ago
Hi Verity303, when it freezes could you please click "Cancel" then save the word cloud and advise its name so I could check what is wrong there?
8 years ago
Most likely you use Internet Explorer and it is the known glitch. I suggest you to try another browser like Chrome or Firefox.