
9 years ago

where do I start... how can I make my own very confused lol and how do I add other designs like numbers, weddings and babies etc

9 years ago

I understand your confusion but at the moment there are no tutorials to help you. I suggest you asking specific question to support email (like how can I make cloud design with numbers as its shape).

9 years ago

Hi, how do you remove the pre existing words to enable you to enter your own word designs?
New to this so apologies if being a tad dopey!

9 years ago

Do you see "Clear all" button at the top?

9 years ago


Previously i use to get the option of customize for the images that I upload and i used to work on this but now am not able to see that option.. Can you suggest or add that option

9 years ago

You saw that option when added your image in Shapes section. Once you saved your cloud the option is not available as Tagul doesn't store the original image. To get the options back please add the image once again.


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