Randomise and re-visualise?

6 years ago
Is there a way to make WordArt re-visualise with the same words and settings, but with a new, randomly different layout? Reset doesn't seem to do it.

I'm trying to fill a particular shape and a particular word gets featured in the wrong place. I'd like to be able to just press "randomise" and have it re-do things over and over until the un-wanted word is less featured. (No I can't just take that word out, it is needed, just not in the place it is on.)
Many thanks
6 years ago
Every visualization randomizes words placement. It may be a huge or a little difference depending on the options you choose. If you want a particular word to be placed on a particular space, switch to the edit mode and place that word the way you like. Then re-visualize to remove the words collisions.
Edited 08 Nov, 2017 07:28


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