Snaping on raster or center functions

7 years ago

Very cool site / tool!

I´ve found the 'scale from center' function via 'Alt' key. Is there any key to drag words along one axis?

Or are You thinking about to implement some sort of 'center' on X or Y axis function? Or 'snap on raster'?

I´ve 3 main words in 3 rows - where the second is a bit larger then the other 2. Now I want to place them centered on x-axis (think that works be and need the same space from the middle to top and bottom.

Can´t find accurate tools for that. Please proof me wrong if there are any! smile

Thank You / Sascha
Edited 26 Aug, 2017 12:57
7 years ago
Hi Sascha, there are no alignment features that you described. We will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.


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