Downloading same design

7 years ago
I created a 3rd word art images, when I downloaded it, I got a message saying it was my 4th download. Don't know how this is possible when I only 3. The same thing happened before when I only had 2 images and was told I had downloaded 3. I think there's a problem on word art.
7 years ago
I've credited 1 download back to your HQ downloads pack as it seems it got wasted somehow.
7 years ago
Alex, The 1 credit you added back to my downloads hasn't worked. Why is it such a problem?
7 years ago
What exactly didn't work? As I can see you still have 1 download left, so could you please try again?
7 years ago
Hi, the 1 download you credited back to my account wasn't credited. As I said previously, I have only created 3 images so how can I have download 4?
7 years ago
Ah, OK. I've credited back another 1.
7 years ago
Thank you.


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