print heart shape as square ratio photo

8 years ago
Hi there, sorry if this has been answered before but i'm trying to print a heart shaped cloud on a square photo(to fit a 12.5 x 12.5 cm frame). I've seen the answers about changing to square but that gets rid of the heart. I've also tried photo editor on MAC and now trying GIMP but don't know what i'm doing. sorry again if i'm repeating but hoping someone can help.
thanks in advance!
8 years ago
Hi Michelle, it is not clear what you problem is. The heart shape has approximately 1:1 ratio that should perfectly fit into a 12.5 x 12.5 frame. You can use GIMP to zoom your image before printing to increase or decrease the margins.
8 years ago
Thanks so much for the response Alex. Yes I thought it looked square but actually the width is more than the height. I've actually just imported to pages and scaled it there to print on normal paper and will crop for the frame. I'll give that zooming function a go in Gimp tomorrow though
Thanks again
7 years ago
Hi Alex, please can you help. When I try to print the heart shape in landscape so that it fills most of an A4 page, it doesn't work and I end up with the heart shape cut into three pages. What can I do please?
I want the heart to fit 8 inches by 10 inches frame. Thank you for your assistance.
7 years ago
Hi Alex, pls ignore my last post. I have found the answer to my question on the


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