
8 years ago
My goodness me I am actually shocked by the huge price hike! I have been using Tagul now for almost two years and the prices have rocketed considerably in that time. I usually go with the 300 HQ downloads/$57.99 for 3 months which is just about affordable,I don't reach the limit of 300 usually coming in under that.
But to renew in March I would have to choose Unlimited plan at $89.99 WTF! I don't want or need unlimited!!!!!! So one month is $29.99 so if I buy that for 3 months = $89.97 or I can buy the 3 months for $89.99 very generous of you to charge 2 cents more!

I definitely can't afford to fork out nearly 300 dollars for a year in one hit either!!!!

Seems as Tagul has become more popular greed seems to be overtaking!!!!

To treat loyal customers in this way is simply shameful.smilesmilesmilesmilesmile
Edited 14 Jan, 2017 21:22
8 years ago
I have to agree with the majority here that the price rises seem excessive. When the prices rose last year I was on the whole supportive and accepting of them. However a 50% increase to the cost of the plan I use most (unlimited 1 month) isn't showing your loyal customers much credit.
8 years ago
Hi all, could someone let me know how much the increase is? I use as mossyt the (unlimited 1 month) but I just pay it when it expires and haven't really noticed the exact amount but I am sure I usually pay around £23? smile
8 years ago
MACY1969 and mossyt, there is no increase for the Unlimited plan
8 years ago
Ok, I wasn't on the unlimited per month plan but the 100 per month plan (which now doesn't exist - I would occasionally use all 100 in a month but mostly don't). If I buy 100 to use it'll cost me $99 instead of $19. Yes, any of the 100 I don't use in the month I can use at another time on the new plan but do you really expect me to pay $60 more? Or if I go for the unlimited per month it's 50% more than the equivalent package was. Can you not reintroduce the 100 per month line?
8 years ago
Thanks Alex, I thought there was no difference to my usual plan smile
8 years ago
mossyt, I recommend you to switch to Unlimited plan for 1 year. In this case you will spend approximately the same amount as you spent last year.
8 years ago
Hi Alex,

As well as the enormous leap, it is the cost implication of paying $300 in one hit when there was the opportunity of paying in monthly hits, which were MUCH more manageable!
I know that I cannot afford $300, regardless of how much I did or didn't use in the last 12 months, in one go. I just don't have that sort of money smile
8 years ago
Angie1167, you can purchase Unlimited plan for 1 month, 3 months or 12 months. Thus you don't need to pay $300 up front.
8 years ago
Edited 02 Feb, 2020 06:06


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