dpi and printing

8 years ago
What is the largest dpi I can save files as? What is the largest that size will print?

Thank you
8 years ago
DPI is dots per inch and therefore DPI depends on the image resolution and paper size. Thus without knowing what is the paper size you are going to print on it is impossible to say what DPI it will be.

Also if you download in EPS or SVG vector format you can get any DPI you want on any paper size as vector formats can be scaled infinitely without loosing quality.
8 years ago
I would like to print the image to at least 16 x 20 without losing quality. Is that possible?
8 years ago
Then I recommend you to download your word cloud image in 32MP PNG format and then you will be able to print it on 16x20 medium with 300 DPI quality.


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