How do I produce a cloud withOUT links associated with each word?

10 years ago

I would like to create a cloud that uses the animation features such as rotation and magnification when a viewer 'mouses over' a word, but I do NOT want ANY of my words to be associated with a URL.

I've tried removing the URL from the source data table already, and don't see any other options.

Any advice would be appreciated.

10 years ago

Hi Robert,

2 options:

1) Put emtpy text into URL column in "Tags Source" -> "Table"
2) Switch to Text/URL tab and clear "Tags links pattern" field

In both cases you then need to Visualize your cloud to remove links

10 years ago

Thank you, Alex. I was 'Savin' but not 'Visualizing" my cloud. Visualizing it first solved the problem.


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