placement of words

10 years ago

just a idea and i do not know if this would be possible. when we visulize our cloud would it be possible to move the mouse pointer over a word we want to move and drag and drop this to another place within the cloud. i hope you get what i an trying to say. thank you and this program is just wonderful if it ever came out as a program to download and install with some other features i would be one of the first inline to buy it

10 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. That idea comes to my mind as well and I do think it will be very cool feature. But at the moment I am busy with more important things to do and when it is finished I'll revert back to thinking about implementing that idea.

10 years ago

Thank you for the reply. with a few ideas i have seen on here and the one i have suggested. if this was a program that you could download and install to computer i would think about purchasing something like this if it was in the range of £29.99 to £49.99. you could make it only valid for 1year and then we buy a update.

10 years ago

This would be so helpful, a great idea :-)

10 years ago

This is what I am struggling with at the moment, would be a fantastic option :-)

10 years ago

word placement would be great! (at least for a key word, or 'central' word in the cloud.) Thank you for this application!

10 years ago

i agree this would be a really fantastic feature to go with a really great application :)

10 years ago

Please implement this. I don't know how difficult it would be to do, but I would definitely pay for this.

10 years ago

This would be a great idea :-)

10 years ago

I agree being able to cente the main word or move a specific word would be an amazing feature


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