Printing - Filling A4 page?

11 years ago

Id like to know how to manipulate to make it fill say A3 or A4 size page to get that size frame for it then?
I dont think if I print out as standard that it will fill page & look good in frame then?

11 years ago

I suggest you usign the correct aspect (width / height) ratio for A3 and A4 sizes. To achieve this go to appearance tab and input 0.7 into aspect ratio field and then visualize your cloud.

11 years ago


I can't change the aspect ratio because my work uses a custom shape. Is there any way around this?

Great program btw :-)

11 years ago

1) Use custom shape with proper aspect ration or adjust the one you used using image editing software like MS Paint or Photoshop

2) Just save your cloud as PNG image and print it as an ordinary photo image. I mean what do you ordinary do when your photo image needs to be printed on A4 page?

11 years ago

I am struggling to get my clouds to print without the large words pixalating and the small words unable to read. I have saved them at various sizes: 800, 1000. 1200 and 1400, but none of them produce good results. I set the original cloud as an oblong. What do you suggest?

I want to sell these commerically from you but, until I get this sorted, I cannot offer them for sale.

11 years ago

Please try the below:

1) Try increasing your saved PNG dimensions to the maximum 2880x2800 resolution.
Go to "Grab and Share" -> "Save to local computer" and input 2880 into width (or height) field.
Then save your cloud and try printing. If it is still printed in bad quality try the below step.

2) Save your cloud as SVG file and convert it to EPS using Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape (read about it here).
SVG/EPS are vector formats so if everything is done right you shouldn't see any pixels while printing.


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