Linking question

14 years ago

Hi! I first must admit to not being very computer-savvy. I mention this because this will be long, and I am sure there is a quicker, computer-speak way to ask my question.
I am learning about Tagul for a technology class, and I was wondering about the linking. When I first saw the word clouds I thought that you could click on one of the words and it would take you wherever you programmed that specific word. For example, it I were doing a cloud about theatre, my cloud could have names of different production companies and each word would link to the production company's website. However, it seems like you the words in the cloud will only link to a search engine such as google.
I wonder if there is a way to link the different words to specific places. I notice that although the Tagul cloud on the homepage mostly links to google, the word "wordpress" links to and "Tagul" links to the Tagul homepage. So it seems like there is a way, though I could not find out how to do it on my own with the instructions. If someone could let me know, that would be great!


14 years ago

Hi, sure it is possible to point your tags to any url. Try reading this link


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