I cannot paste text into the box.

11 years ago

Does anyone know how I can paste text into the box to generate a cloud? I am copying from Word and have tried pasting with my mouse and Command+V. No luck. I was in Safari, I thought it might be a browser error so tried in in Mozilla too. No luck. Please help!

11 years ago

Are you pasting into Tags source -> Text field? I've just checked it and it works fine.

11 years ago

I also have this error. I was able to generate my first cloud and now it won't let me paste text. Very strange.

11 years ago

Does it allow you to type text in?

11 years ago

I have the same problem as LovetoTeach. I can type text in the box but it won't allow me to paste in a bunch of text from Word.

BTW, this is the BEST word cloud generator I have used. Well done!

11 years ago

What operating system (Windows XP/7/Vista/8, Mac OS X, etc.) are you using? What browser? Could you please try another browser (firefox or chrome)?

11 years ago

Hi I am having the same problem where I cannot paste text into the box - I am on Mac and use safari

11 years ago

Please try another browser. There are known issues with Safari and Mac. I am working on re-development of the generator which I hope will fix this problem as well.


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