a shared place for taguls?

14 years ago

Thanks for a cool app!
I have often wished the technology of wordles was more widespread.

One of the things that I think contributed vastly to the popularity of wordles was the shared space to display your creations. This got people building off each other's excitement -- "Ooh, neat idea, I'd like to try it with a different twist..."

I thought there would be a place like that on tagul.com but I don't see it. I think it would boost interest a great deal. "Hmm, he did that for this kind of web site? That could be useful for mine..."

You say in the FAQ that taguls are already public, so I don't see any problem with listing them in a shared space (which you host). You could however offer people a checkbox so they can choose whether to have their taguls listed in the shared space. It would also give people a chance to give their web site some exposure, which would in turn motivate them to create taguls and tell people about them.

Right now I've created a sample tagul and I want to tell the web designer of our org's web site about it, but I don't have an easy way to show it to him.

14 years ago

Good idea, I'll consider implementing it.


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