Locking words

2 years ago
Hi! I can't seem to lock certain words into place. I read in this forum that I was to do the following (see below) but when I hit visualize it moves my locked words again.

These are the steps I took:
1. Clicked on edit
2. selected my word and moved it, then hit 'lock'
3. I did this for 4 words (each moving them and then selecting 'lock'
4 I then selected visualize and my locked words movedsmile

What am I doing wrong?!
2 years ago
Hello, the second point is wrong. When you move a word it is automatically locked and you don't need to lock it again. Actually the button will be named "unlock" once you move a word.
2 years ago
Oh, thank you! I was misunderstanding the lock and unlock🙂 Have a wonderful day!


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