Permanent Fixed Position

8 years ago
I am wondering if it is possible that once a word has been edited manually (positioned) if it could remain exactly where it is even though the text is amended. Do you think this would be possible? smile
8 years ago
Hi Macy, I saw your feature request regarding this. I am considering whether it is possible or not. I'll let you know when I come up with the decision.
Edited 12 Feb, 2016 10:57
8 years ago
Thank you smile
8 years ago
I'd like this feature too - pin particular words to a size and position within the shape outline, and fit the rest around them…
8 years ago
Hi Burstkey. This feature you are asking for is already here. Please switch to Edit Mode and click on a particular word. Then you can move and resize it. Then press Visualize button and the word will keep its size and position while other words will be moved to avoid the collisions.
8 years ago
Ooooh thank you - works a treat!


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