# 6 years ago | |
I understand how to import a different shape to use to create the word art but do we have to do this every time we want to use a shape that isn't included by default. I can't seem to get mine to stay in. The only way not reimporting it into the programme is to use a word art I've used before, but then when I save it, it overwrites the previous one. Thanks Rachael |
# 6 years ago | |
Hi Ruby! To make it more convenient I recommend you to create a template word art with your custom shape image and duplicate it each time you need a new one. To duplicate your word art select it on your word art page and click the duplicate button at the top panel next to the create button. |
# 6 years ago | |
Great, thank you. |
# 6 years ago | |
Is there a way to import an image and only use a specific shape in uploaded image? Like I'm trying to make an image with a picture and putting the words ONLY in a the shape of the people. Thank you in advance for any help. |
# 6 years ago | |
Hi SyniBell! Your question is not clear to me. You can import a shape image and use it as a base for your word art. After visualizing words will be placed on non-white space of the shape image by default. Therefore if you need a shape of people you need to make sure that the people silhouette is filled with a non-white color in your shape image. |
# 6 years ago | |
Is it possible to import a shape for a word cloud and then separately import another shape to be a void with in that word cloud or do I need to have those two images already merged and then import it as one image? Thanks |
# 6 years ago | |
Hi ASFPVA, you cannot make a word art from 2 separate images at the same time. You need to merge them into one and then upload to the shapes section. |
# 6 years ago | |
Is there a way to import a symbol (like a New Orleans Saints ) and use that to fill in with Word Art? |
# 6 years ago | |
Hi Srjane, yes there is a way. You need to find a New Orleans Saints image in the Internet and add it to the shapes section by clicking on the "add image" button at the top. |
# 6 years ago | |
Thanks so much! |