Edge the shape

5 years ago
is there any possibility to edge (I hope its the right english word) the shape? I have chosen a star and wanted to have a kind of frame for the shape?

It would be so nice, if anyone could help me!
Thank you and have a nice evening!
5 years ago
Hi Andrea,
Words are placed on a non-white (non-transparent) space. Therefore you need to add a non-white edge to the star image in any image editor and then add the edged image to the shapes list by clicking on the "add image" button.
Edited 09 Jul, 2018 06:28
5 years ago
Hi Alex,
thank you for your nice answer smile
5 years ago
Is there anyway you can clarify how to do this for me? I am confused…. I am doing an anatomical heart with words in it and i would love for the anatomical heart to still maintain its outline with a line and not just blank space… make sense?
5 years ago
Hi Bryn, you need to make the outline bold to make it visible and filled with words.


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