Lock Position of Word

7 years ago
Are you able to lock a word in a specific position. For example the main word is in the center when I visualize, and I like the position, but next time I visualize it has moved. I don't want to lock all words. Thanks
7 years ago
Yes, just click on "Edit" button i.e., take it out of "animate" mode). Then you can click on a word, then the "Lock" button. Then visualize, and it will stay where it is.

The button says "lock" when the word is unlocked, and "unlock" when it's locked. This threw me at first smile
7 years ago
Thank you so much, I knew it was something like that but couldn’t get it to work!
6 years ago
Is there a way of locking more than one word at a time
6 years ago
Hi Tracy! Unfortunately there is no way. You have to click the lock button for each word you want to be locked.
6 years ago
Thanks so much I managed to figure it out. Is there away to change words. Sometimes I get a cluster of the same word close together. Is there away of swapping words around
6 years ago
You can change the words spelling in the words table.

You can swap the words position manually in the edit mode and then re-visualize to remove words collisions.
Edited 12 Apr, 2018 17:51


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