How can I make my font/shape smoother?

7 years ago
I want to use my shape at a transparency of "1" (full color), and I want it to have sharp, clear edges. I made a shape out of letters – a font. But the edges are very jagged even at high resolution. You can see it on "Maurice - FINAL - TEST" Any idea what the solution is to make a shape out of text, and have sharp edges? I am currently using Google Drawings, and I have tested the shape using just letters in a font, and also by using the "Word Art" feature, and downloaded it as PNG for upload to Thanks for any advice.
7 years ago
Hi! Although the software allows you to set the shape transparency to 1 it is not supposed to work this way. Internally custom images are stored in 1000x1000px that is not enough for high quality prints. To mitigate this limitation I recommend you to download your word art in SVG format and substitute the background image in Adobe Illustrator or SVG.

If you wish you can send the SVG file and the shape image in high quality to the support and we will do it for you.
7 years ago
That makes sense. Thank you!


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