Emoji.Code website changed

7 years ago
The Emoji.code website has changed and now doesn't have the shortcode for the emoji's. Is there a site I can use instead?
7 years ago
Hi Sharon, thanks for letting know. We've updated the emojis and created the dedicated page for the codes.
7 years ago
Alex, there only seems to be a limited amount of emoji's now - is there a way to still use the previous ones?
7 years ago
What exactly emojis are you missing?
7 years ago
Well previously there were pages and pages of differnt ones - but now there is just one page - maybe they are all there, it just doesnt look like the same amount
7 years ago
Thank you. There are definitely lots missing on there but I don't know which ones off the top of my head until someone asks for one! There were about 8-10 pages of emojis on the website (they are still on there they just dont have the shortcode any more)
7 years ago
I suggest you to copy and paste here the emojis from emoji.code website and we'll try to add them. We've changed the emojis provider therefore not all the icons are available now.
6 years ago
Please can you add :sparkling_heart:emoji? I've had a lot of people ask for it
6 years ago
Hi! Any chance that you could also add the fleur de lis emoji? ⚜️ Thanks!
Edited 13 Mar, 2018 21:21
6 years ago
We've just released the new version that includes both :fleur_de_lis: and :sparkling_heart: emojis.


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