Chinese support

10 years ago

I just tried the web tag cloud generator but it doesn't support Chinese, I need that feature and I think you guys should have it, so far Chinese Internet website doesn't have any competitor yet..., big opportunity.

10 years ago

Could you please suggest good Chinese ttf/otf font that is free?

10 years ago

Google released a open-source chinese font named Noto.

Here is the link:

10 years ago

Just spent couple of hours trying to get that font work but unfortunately without success :( Font parser that Tagul uses doesn't recognize such complex font (otf with CID).

Do you know any suitable Chinese fonts in TrueType (.ttf) format?

10 years ago

hi. i am not familiar with the format. but if this could be of any help, you could get some takeaway from this wiki post.

10 years ago

I've managed to make Noto Chinese fonts to work and implemented it in Tagul. Please check it out!


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