Importing Text

10 years ago


first of all congrats for this tool!It is very cool and I find it very helpful :-)

I have only one question on the way to import text, do I need to format the text as a csv file?Or can I import it as a big text and Tagul will recognize the most recurrent tags/word in the same way? For example what if I import an essay, or just a piece of writing?Will it calculate the cloud without issues?

Also, is there a limit in the number of characters/text you can upload?


10 years ago

You don't need to format as csv and Tagul will recognize the most recurrent tags/words. But if you don't like the way Tagul does it or would like to have more grained control over your words you may use csv format.

If you import an essay or just a piece of writing Tagul will calculate cloud without issues.

The current limit is 65535 characters.


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