How use one's own site with tagul

14 years ago

Hi Alex. Thank you so much for creating this cool looking cloud software. So nice to look at :-).

Can I ask a rather dumb question - I have figured out how to make the cloud. I do have a question, though. When I replace the pre-installed "Google" site as the results page with my own, I just get the "page could not be found". Do I have to tag things on my own page for the cloud to find them? If yes, how, please? How exactly would the cloud find the things on my site after I have made the initial cloud?
I am hoping to use it to sort through info in an e-book I am writing, not a blog-site, but my own website, so should I install some kind of tagging?
Thank you again! Jens

14 years ago


I don't completely understand your problem. Do you experience troubles with getting tags from your page to create a cloud or you just can't embed your cloud on a "Google" site?


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