Text Inside Text

12 years ago

The site advertises that it offers this, but using the Word Cloud Generator, I don't see the option. please advise!

12 years ago

You don't see that option because words are put inside words in a cloud by default. Just try to generate a cloud with fair amount of words (tags) and see it yourself.

12 years ago

I tried to generate a cloud with a lot of words (8746) and the word "user" had the highest frequency. However, whenever I tried to generate a cloud the default shape is a circle. I cannot change the appearance to remove this shape.

Please help

12 years ago

Do you mean your words appear in the shape of writing? What I did was I wrote words (in this case "2 Years") in Photoshop and made the background transparent and uploaded as a custom shape. You can also do this with a free editor like Paint.NET or GIMP. Make sure to upload as PNG though!

12 years ago

adi19956 is absolutely right. If you want to make some text your cloud shape then just open any painting application and write your text in black on white background. Then save it as PNG and use that image as your cloud shape.

11 years ago

I can get my text uploaded as a custom shape as advised above, but it ignores the colours I have set. How can I get my custom shape to use the colours as the provided shapes?


11 years ago

JanL27, the generator should take custom shape colours by default. If it is not please make sure you have "Custom shape colors" checkbox enabled in "Colors and Animations" section.


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