different URLs for each TAG

14 years ago

Hi Alex
This is an amazing site! I see so much potential for its use both personally and professionally with education. Thank you for your hard work and obvious global view of the access to this tool. You are a terrific model for our students when we challenge them to create and share globally to promote a thriving society.
I have been working on a cloud for our library website. Is it possible to have each TAG linked to specific URLs instead of all of them going to the same one? For example, I'd like our Research TAG to take our users directly to our research page on our site where they can actually choose options from there for their research, while I'd like for the thinfinity TAG to be linked directly to that site. Is there a way to allow editing once the TAGs have been fetched so that I can go in and put a different URL for each one? Thanks so much for your time to consider this question and request.

14 years ago

Sure it is possible,

you should look at API example at http://tagul.com/docs#api-mode.

14 years ago

Hey Alex
Thanks for your speedy reply! It worked great!


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