xsd:simpleType name="url"

14 years ago

Why do you limit the anyURI to the "http://" prefix?

With that it's not possible to have https:// links,
nor links to e.g. local drives, nor are encoded URIs in the form "http%3A%2F%2F" allowed.
Otherwise thanks for that visually great tool!


<xsd:simpleType name="url">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI">
<xsd:pattern value="http://.*" />

14 years ago

- local drive links won't work
- why do you need to enter encoded URLs?
- it is not tested to work with https, is there a need for https?

14 years ago

I experimented with converting another tag cloud (see here) to use Tagul instead. All the URLs were of the form "/Topics/tabid/66/Default.aspx?topic-id=26" etc. I.e. relative to the current host. That of course means that you could do some useful things like using the tag cloud on different portals w/o changing the URLs. In Tagul I couldn't do that. Not a big deal in this case, but it was a pain to have to change all our URLs to fit Tagul.

Also, if you don't allow https, you disallow intranet (enterprise) use.

What's the benefit in limiting your URLs?

13 years ago

I am a fan of Tagul, and it is a special tool because the clouds are interactive and customizable.

Recently, I would like to make a Tagul cloud from the content of a Google Site, i.e. https://sites.google.com/site/kml/. However, most all Google Sites use a URL that starts with https://.

If future versions could allow a Tagul cloud to be made from a secure URL, I'd be most appreciative.


13 years ago

I've removed the restriction for HTTPS. Don't know why I didn't do it before :)


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