Adjusting zoom scaling factor

14 years ago


I embed the tag cloud in my blog where it fits in a narrow (180px) pane. Hence, it would be very useful to be able to specify a scaling factor so that the rollover makes it easy to read the smallest labels.

Best regards,

14 years ago

Tagul uses progressive scaling factor, i.e. small tags will have bigger scaling factor than the big ones. I've seen your cloud and must say that all tags are readable when highlighted.

BTW, you can use "open cloud in new window" item in the right click menu to zoom your cloud into new resizable window.

I know it is not much intuitive way to do this, so later I will make a fancy floating menu with this feature.

14 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your support!
I've put a link to Tagul, I hope you don't mind.

Best regards,


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